Prompting the course sylibus

The initial prompts to get a course sylibus to work on.

Prompting a course Sylibus...

I learned solidity using nextjs and general computer programming for around a year. I have not studied for nearly a year and need a refresher. I would like to continue learning web3 development. Can you help refresh my brain?


Absolutely, I can help refresh your knowledge of Solidity and web3 development. Since you have a background in Next.js and general programming, you already have a solid foundation. Here's a brief refresher to get you back on track:

Solidity Basics

  1. Language Overview: Solidity is a statically-typed, object-oriented language designed for writing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms, primarily Ethereum.

  2. Smart Contracts: These are self-executing contracts where the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller are directly written into lines of code.

  3. Data Types: Key data types in Solidity include uint (unsigned integers), int (integers), bool (boolean), address (holds a 20-byte value), bytes, and string.

  4. Functions: Functions are used to execute specific operations. They can be declared public, private, internal, or external.

  5. Modifiers: Function modifiers are used to change the behavior of functions or expressions.

  6. Events: Events allow logging to the Ethereum blockchain. These logs are accessible from blockchain's transaction logs.

  7. Error Handling: require, revert, and assert are used for error handling and checking conditions.

Ethereum Concepts

  1. Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM): The runtime environment for smart contracts in Ethereum. It's completely isolated from the main network.

  2. Gas: Operations in Ethereum require a fee, called gas. It's calculated based on the computational effort, storage needs, and bandwidth usage.

  3. ERC Standards: ERC-20 (for fungible tokens), ERC-721 (for non-fungible tokens or NFTs), and ERC-1155 (a multi-token standard) are key standards you should be familiar with.

Web3 Development

  1. Web3.js/ethers.js: Libraries to interact with Ethereum blockchain from a JavaScript application. Web3.js is more established, while ethers.js is known for its simplicity and smaller bundle size.

  2. Next.js Integration: Integrating web3 functionality in a Next.js app involves setting up the web3 provider, connecting to Ethereum wallets like MetaMask, and interacting with smart contracts.

  3. Front-end and Smart Contract Interaction: Develop user interfaces to interact with smart contracts, such as forms for sending transactions and displaying blockchain data.

Refreshing Your Skills

  1. Solidity Documentation: Revisit the Solidity documentation for a detailed and up-to-date reference.

  2. Online Tutorials and Courses: Platforms like CryptoZombies, Ethernaut, and Coursera offer interactive tutorials and courses on Solidity and smart contract development.

  3. Development Tools: Familiarize yourself with tools like Truffle, Hardhat, and Remix IDE for smart contract development and testing.

  4. Community and Forums: Engage with communities on platforms like Ethereum Stack Exchange, Reddit, and GitHub to stay updated with the latest trends and get your queries answered.

  5. Practice: The best way to refresh and enhance your skills is through building and deploying small projects. This hands-on approach solidifies concepts and introduces real-world problem-solving.

  6. Ethereum and Solidity Updates: Stay updated with the latest Ethereum network upgrades and Solidity releases to understand new features and improvements.

Start with small, manageable goals and progressively tackle more complex projects. This approach will help you get back into web3 development smoothly.

create a course sylibus for me to tackle and get me back up to scratch. First outline the sylibus. After I will prompt you to expand on each lesson / section. I want you to guide me along the way as a tutor would.


Certainly! I'll create a comprehensive course syllabus to help you get back up to speed with Solidity and web3 development. This syllabus will be structured to gradually build your knowledge and skills, starting from a refresher on the basics and progressing to more advanced topics.

Course Syllabus: Solidity and Web3 Development Refresher

Week 1-2: Solidity Fundamentals

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Solidity

    • Overview of Ethereum and Smart Contracts

    • Solidity: Basic Syntax and Structure

  • Lesson 2: Basic Data Types and Control Structures

    • Variables, Data Types, and Operators

    • Control Structures: If-Else, Loops

  • Lesson 3: Functions and Modifiers

    • Writing and Calling Functions

    • Understanding Function Modifiers

  • Lesson 4: Error Handling and Events

    • Implementing require, revert, and assert

    • Declaring and Emitting Events

Week 3-4: Advanced Solidity Concepts

  • Lesson 5: Advanced Data Types

    • Structs, Enums, and Arrays

    • Mapping and Nested Mappings

  • Lesson 6: Smart Contract Interactions

    • Contract-to-Contract Communication

    • Creating and Destroying Contracts

  • Lesson 7: Inheritance and Interfaces

    • Implementing Contract Inheritance

    • Defining and Using Interfaces

  • Lesson 8: Solidity Design Patterns

    • Common Smart Contract Design Patterns

    • Gas Optimization Techniques

Week 5-6: Ethereum and Smart Contract Deployment

  • Lesson 9: Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

    • Understanding the EVM

    • Gas and Transaction Management

  • Lesson 10: Smart Contract Deployment and Testing

    • Using Truffle/Hardhat for Development

    • Writing and Running Tests for Contracts

Week 7-8: Web3 Integration and DApp Development

  • Lesson 11: Web3.js and ethers.js

    • Setting up a Web3 Provider

    • Interacting with Ethereum Networks

  • Lesson 12: Integrating Smart Contracts with Front-End

    • Connecting to Ethereum Wallets (e.g., MetaMask)

    • Building User Interfaces for Contract Interaction

Week 9-10: Project and Capstone

  • Lesson 13: Project Planning and Development

    • Ideation and Planning a Mini-Project

    • Implementing Smart Contracts for the Project

  • Lesson 14: Capstone Project and Review

    • Completing and Deploying the DApp

    • Review and Feedback Session

Tutoring and Guidance

As your tutor, I'll guide you through each lesson, providing detailed explanations, coding examples, and answering any questions you might have. We'll also have practical exercises and mini-projects to reinforce your learning. After you've reviewed the syllabus, let me know which lesson or section you'd like to expand on first, and we'll dive deeper into that topic.

Last updated