E1: HelloWorld.sol

A "hello world" smart contract in remix...

I decided for simplicity's sake to go with RemixIDE for my begginers contracts. Below is my basic HelloWorld.sol contract.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract HelloWorld {

  function print() public pure returns (string memory) {

    string memory helloWorld = "Hello World";

    return helloWorld;



I prompt chatGpt for feedback using the following prompt:

"Please provide feedback for my HelloWorld.sol smart contract: {paste the full contract here}"

Your "Hello World" Solidity code is well-written and effectively accomplishes the task of returning the "Hello World" string. Here's a breakdown of my feedback:

Code Review

  1. License and Version Pragma:

    • Your use of the SPDX-License-Identifier and pragma solidity ^0.8.0; is correct and adheres to best practices. This ensures clarity on licensing and compatibility with the Solidity compiler version.

  2. Contract Structure:

    • The HelloWorld contract is appropriately named and encapsulates the functionality expected.

  3. Function Implementation:

    • The print function is declared public and pure, which is suitable for a function that simply returns a constant value without modifying the contract's state.

    • The use of returns (string memory) is correct for returning a string value.

    • The implementation of the function with a local variable helloWorld storing the string and returning it is clear and efficient.

Suggestions for Improvement

  1. Function Naming:

    • While print is a descriptive name, in Solidity, it's often a convention to name functions more explicitly based on their action. In this case, getHelloWorld or returnHelloWorld might convey the intent more directly.

  2. Direct Return:

    • You could return the string directly without declaring a local variable, like return "Hello World";. This is a matter of style and preference, especially in a simple function like this. Your approach, however, is perfectly valid and can be more readable, especially in more complex functions.


    • Although the code is quite straightforward, it's a good practice to comment on your code, explaining what the contract or function does. This is especially beneficial as the complexity of the contracts increases.


Your "Hello World" contract is succinct, clear, and follows best practices for a basic Solidity program. It demonstrates a good understanding of fundamental Solidity concepts such as contract structure, function declaration, and data handling. Keep up with this clear and structured coding style as you progress to more complex Solidity concepts and contracts.

Last updated