Lesson 6: Assignments & Exercises

Assignments and Practical Exercises

Assignment 1:

  • Research and write an essay on the importance of interfaces in facilitating smart contract interactions, including how they contribute to the modularity and upgradability of dApps.

Exercise 1:

  • Create two contracts where one contract calls a function of the other contract using direct calls and interfaces. Demonstrate the use of both methods and compare them in terms of ease of use and flexibility.

Exercise 2:

  • Implement a contract that creates instances of another contract and interacts with them. This could simulate a simple factory pattern, showcasing how contracts can manage dependencies and create complex ecosystems.

This lesson provides a foundational understanding of how smart contracts interact within the Ethereum ecosystem. Mastering contract interactions is essential for building complex, efficient, and secure dApps that leverage the full potential of decentralized technologies.

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