E1 - VotingContract.sol


The VotingContract focuses on the individual voter's interaction with elections, enabling them to cast their ranked votes for candidates in specific elections. It interfaces with the BallotContract to submit these votes, ensuring that each voter's preferences are recorded accurately and securely.

This contract includes functionalities to verify if a voter has already participated in an election, to add their votes, and to retrieve election results, candidates, and the voter's own voting status and choices. It essentially acts as the bridge between voters and the election management system established by the BallotContract, facilitating a seamless and transparent voting process.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.22;

/* Imports */
import "./IBallotContract.sol";

/* Events */
// Event to record when a vote is counted
    event VoteCast(
        address indexed voter,
        uint8[] rankedChoices

 * @title VotingContract
 * @dev Contract to manage individual votes, recording voters' ranked choices for candidates.
 * Also store votes and interact with the BallotContract
contract VotingContract {
    /* State Variables */
    address private owner;

    // BallotContract instance
    IBallotContract private ballotContract;

    bool private hasVoted;

    /* Constructor */
    // Set the owner of the contract
    constructor(address _ballotContractAddress) {
        owner = msg.sender;
        ballotContract = IBallotContract(_ballotContractAddress);

    // Mapping to store a voters voting status
    mapping(uint => mapping(address => bool)) public voted;

    /* Functions */
    /* Function to vote on a ballot
     * @param _votes The ranked choices of the voter

    function addVotes(
        uint8[] memory _votes, uint _electionId
    ) public {
        // require voter has not voted
            voted[_electionId][msg.sender] == false,
            "Voter has already voted"
        // Add the votes to the BallotContract
        ballotContract.checkElection(_votes, _electionId);
        // Update the voter's choices in the BallotContract
        ballotContract.updateVoterChoices(_votes[0],_votes[1], _votes[2], _electionId, msg.sender);

        // Add the votes to the BallotContract
        ballotContract.addVotesToCount(_votes[0],_votes[1], _votes[2], _electionId);

        hasVoted = true;

        // Set the voter's vote status to true
        voted[_electionId][msg.sender] = hasVoted;

        // Emit the VoteCast event
        emit VoteCast(msg.sender, _votes);


    /* Getter Functions */
    // Function to get the owner of the contract
    function getOwner() public view returns (address) {
        return owner;

    // Function to get the election status
     function getElectionStatus(uint _electionId) public view returns (bool) {
        return ballotContract.getElectionStatus(_electionId);

    // Function to get election candidates
    function getElectionCandidates(uint _electionId)
        returns (string[] memory)
        return ballotContract.getElectionCandidates(_electionId);

    // Function to get a voter's vote status
    function getVoterStatus(address _voter, uint _electionId)
        returns (bool)
        return ballotContract.getVoterStatus(_voter, _electionId);
    // Function to get a voter's ranked choices
    function getVoterChoices(
        address _voter, uint _electionId
    ) public view returns (uint8, uint8, uint8) {
            voted[_electionId][_voter] == true,
            "Voter has not voted"
        return ballotContract.getVoterChoices(_voter, _electionId);


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