E1 - Feedback

Feedback Prompt


Please give me some feedback about my RC voting system. It is split into 3 files. { paste all 3 files, one after the other here }


Your Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) system, split across three Solidity files, showcases a thoughtful approach to implementing a complex voting mechanism on the Ethereum blockchain. Here are some feedback points and suggestions for refinement:

Interface (IBallotContract.sol)

  • Clarity and Cohesion: The interface clearly outlines the interaction between the BallotContract and the VotingContract. It’s well-structured, ensuring that essential functions are exposed for interaction.

  • Function Inclusion: Including both update and check functions alongside getters for election status, candidates, and voter information provides a comprehensive toolkit for managing the election process.


  • Design and Modularity: This contract serves as the backbone of the election process, handling the creation, management, and closing of elections. The separation of concerns is well maintained.

  • State Management: The use of structs and mappings effectively manages complex data associated with elections and voter choices. The decision to separate open and closed elections into different arrays aids in tracking the election lifecycle.

  • Security: The onlyOwner modifier ensures that sensitive actions are restricted to the contract owner. However, consider additional security measures for voter verification to prevent unauthorized vote manipulation.

  • Optimization: While the design is comprehensive, be mindful of potential gas costs associated with storing and iterating through arrays and mappings, especially as the number of elections and voters grows.


  • Inter-Contract Communication: Utilizing the IBallotContract interface for interaction with the BallotContract is a smart design choice, allowing for flexible and decoupled architecture.

  • Voting Logic: The process for submitting votes, including the preliminary check with checkElection, ensures that votes are only cast during open elections and that voters’ choices are recorded accurately.

  • Event Emission: The VoteCast event is crucial for front-end applications to react to vote submissions in real-time, enhancing user feedback and engagement.

  • Voter Status Tracking: The mapping for tracking voter status (voted) is essential for ensuring one vote per person. However, ensure that the logic accurately reflects the intended constraints across all elections.

General Suggestions

  1. Testing: Extensive testing is critical, especially for edge cases in the RCV process. Consider scenarios like tied votes, incorrect inputs, and attempts to vote in closed elections.

  2. Front-End Integration: Plan for how these contracts will integrate with a front-end application. The events and getter functions are a good start, but ensure the user interface can smoothly handle the voting process and display results.

  3. Gas Optimization: Review your contracts for potential gas optimizations. For instance, loops in Solidity can be costly; consider alternatives or optimizations, especially for functions that may be called frequently.

  4. Security Reviews: Beyond the onlyOwner modifier, consider implementing additional security patterns, such as checks-effects-interactions, to mitigate risks like reentrancy attacks. Also, consider the delegatecall vulnerability if your system will interact with unknown contracts.

  5. Upgradeability: Given the potential need to update contract logic or address bugs, consider how your system could be made upgradeable. Techniques like proxy contracts or the diamond standard (EIP-2535) can provide flexibility for future improvements without losing state or requiring migration.

Your RCV system demonstrates a solid foundation for blockchain-based voting. By refining based on these suggestions, you can enhance its functionality, user experience, and security.

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