E1 - OrderSystem.test.js

This time used the hardhat gas reporter as well.

Gas report

Unit tests + Coverage


const { expect } = require("chai")
const { ethers } = require("hardhat")

describe("OrderSystem", function () {
    let OrderSystem, orderSystem, owner, addr1
    const orderId = 0
    const orderAmount = 100

    beforeEach(async function () {
        OrderSystem = await ethers.getContractFactory("OrderSystem")
        ;[owner, addr1] = await ethers.getSigners()
        orderSystem = await OrderSystem.deploy()
        const name = "Alice"
        const age = "25"
        await orderSystem.connect(owner).newUserProfile(name, age)

    describe("newUserProfile", function () {
        it("Should set and get a user profile", async function () {
            const name = "Alice"
            const age = "25"
            await orderSystem.connect(owner).newUserProfile(name, age)
            const [profileName, profileAge] = await orderSystem.getProfile(

        it("Should emit a ProfileCreated event", async function () {
            const name = "Alice"
            const age = "25"
            await expect(orderSystem.connect(owner).newUserProfile(name, age))
                .to.emit(orderSystem, "ProfileCreated")
                .withArgs(owner.address, name, age)

        it("Should revert if name is empty", async function () {
            const name = ""
            const age = "25"
            await expect(
                orderSystem.connect(owner).newUserProfile(name, age),
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Name cannot be empty")

        it("Should revert if age is empty", async function () {
            const name = "Alice"
            const age = ""
            await expect(
                orderSystem.connect(owner).newUserProfile(name, age),
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Age cannot be empty")

    describe("createOrder", function () {
        it("Should revert if User is not registered", async function () {
            await expect(
                orderSystem.createOrder(addr1.address, orderAmount),
            ).to.be.revertedWith("User profile does not exist")
        it("Should create an order", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            const order = await orderSystem.getOrder(orderId)
            expect(order.state).to.equal(0) // OrderState.Created

        it("Should revert if order amount is 0", async function () {
            await expect(
                orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, 0),
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Amount should be greater than 0")

        it("Should allow multiple orders", async function () {
            const order1 = await orderSystem.createOrder(
            const order2 = await orderSystem.createOrder(
            const order = await orderSystem.getOrder(orderId + 1)
            expect(order.id).to.equal(orderId + 1)

        it("Should emit an OrderCreated event", async function () {
            await expect(orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount))
                .to.emit(orderSystem, "OrderCreated")
                .withArgs(orderId, owner.address, orderAmount)
    describe("confirmOrder", function () {
        it("Should confirm an order", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
            const order = await orderSystem.getOrder(orderId)
            expect(order.state).to.equal(1) // OrderState.Confirmed

        it("Should emit an OrderConfirmed event", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await expect(orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId))
                .to.emit(orderSystem, "OrderConfirmed")
                .withArgs(orderId, owner.address)

        it("Only the order customer can confirm an order", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await expect(
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Only customer can confirm order")

    describe("confirmDelivery", function () {
        it("User can confirm delivery of an order", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
            await orderSystem.confirmDelivery(orderId)
            const order = await orderSystem.getOrder(orderId)
            expect(order.state).to.equal(2) // OrderState.Delivered

        it("Should emit an OrderDelivered event", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
            await expect(orderSystem.confirmDelivery(orderId))
                .to.emit(orderSystem, "OrderDelivered")
                .withArgs(orderId, owner.address)

        it("Only the order customer can confirm delivery", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
            await expect(
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Only customer can confirm delivery")

        it("User cannot confirm delivery of an order that is not confirmed", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await expect(
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Order not confirmed")

        it("User cannot confirm delivery of an order that is already delivered", async function () {
            await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
            await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
            await orderSystem.confirmDelivery(orderId)

            await expect(
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Order already delivered")

    describe("adminDeleteProfileAndOrders", function () {
        it("Should delete a user profile and orders", async function () {
            const name = "Bob"
            const age = "30"
            await orderSystem.connect(addr1).newUserProfile(name, age)
            await orderSystem.createOrder(addr1.address, orderAmount)
            await orderSystem.connect(addr1).confirmOrder(orderId)
            await orderSystem.adminDeleteProfileAndOrders(addr1.address)
            await expect(
            ).to.be.revertedWith("Profile does not exist for the given address")

        describe("deleteProfile", function () {
            it("Should delete a user profile", async function () {
                await orderSystem.deleteProfile()
            it("Should emit a ProfileDeleted event", async function () {
                await expect(orderSystem.deleteProfile())
                    .to.emit(orderSystem, "ProfileDeleted")

            it("Should revert if user has pending orders", async function () {
                await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                await expect(orderSystem.deleteProfile()).to.be.revertedWith(
                    "Cannot delete profile with active orders",

        describe("cancelOrder", function () {
            it("User can cancel an order", async function () {
                await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
                await orderSystem.cancelOrder(orderId)
                const order = await orderSystem.getOrder(orderId)
                expect(order.state).to.equal(3) // OrderState.Cancelled

            it("Should emit an OrderCancelled event", async function () {
                await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
                await expect(orderSystem.cancelOrder(orderId))
                    .to.emit(orderSystem, "OrderCancelled")
                    .withArgs(orderId, owner.address)

            it("Only the order customer can cancel an order", async function () {
                await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                await expect(
                ).to.be.revertedWith("Only customer can cancel order")

            it("User cannot cancel an order that is already delivered", async function () {
                await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
                await orderSystem.confirmDelivery(orderId)
                await expect(
                ).to.be.revertedWith("Order already delivered")

            it("User cannot cancel an order that is already cancelled", async function () {
                await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)
                await orderSystem.cancelOrder(orderId)
                await expect(
                ).to.be.revertedWith("Order already cancelled")

        describe("Getter functions", function () {
            beforeEach(async function () {
                await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                await orderSystem.confirmOrder(orderId)

            describe("getOrder", function () {
                it("Should get an a users multiple orders", async function () {
                    await orderSystem.createOrder(owner.address, orderAmount)
                    const order = await orderSystem.getMyOrders()
                    const order1 = order[0]
                    const order2 = order[1]

            describe("getOrderState", function () {
                it("Should get the state of an order", async function () {
                    const state = await orderSystem.getOrderState(orderId)
                    expect(state).to.equal(1) // OrderState.Confirmed

            describe("getOrders", function () {
                it("Should get an order of a specific user", async function () {
                    const order = await orderSystem.getOrders(owner.address)

                it("Should only allow owner to call getOrders", async function () {
                    await expect(
                    ).to.be.revertedWith("Only owner can call this function")

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